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10 votes

On the two recent user bans

Why is one user banned for a year while the other only for 7 days? The duration of the ban is automatically chosen by the system while banning a user. It takes into consideration the previous history ...
Bhargav Rao's user avatar
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7 votes

Why was my comment deleted?

The comment was deleted by a CM since they(correctly) felt it was an attempt to post an answer as a comment, but upon reflection, the mod team decided it should be undeleted because we allow comment-...
TheLittleNaruto's user avatar
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6 votes

Can users who constantly engage in edit-wars with other users over tags be banned from the site?

There is a provision for banning a user form suggesting an edit if s/he doesn't have edit privileges. Well, usually edit/roll-back wars are handled by locking posts which are under dispute and by ...
Pandya's user avatar
  • 26.2k
5 votes

Call out to Mods! Why no action from almost 3 years?

Q. There seems null meta activity from mods these days or at least null interaction with the community. The title of the question (Why no action from almost 3 years?) is misleading. Flags are being ...
Pandya's user avatar
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5 votes

unfair moderation with inherent bias?

This is reflected again and again in the acts of editing answers to fit their own beliefs. Pandya has explained reason in his answer. Don't deviate from question. But here is recorded proof of this ...
The Destroyer's user avatar
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4 votes

unfair moderation with inherent bias?

I would say your answer is deviated from the point of question. The question is talking about curse and sin. You could simply have answered that According to Vedas, there is no such curse and sin, ...
Pandya's user avatar
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4 votes

What does the notice about personalized advice imply?

By this, I thought it is made explicit that personalized advice is off-topic for our site. The purpose of this notice is to inform the visitors (especially new users joining the site) that we do not ...
Pandya's user avatar
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4 votes

Can flags raised on this site be handled by Mods of other SE sites?

All ♦ moderators in the network moderate the server. This is indeed not limited to moderators of the site the chatroom belongs to, because chat often requires real-time ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
3 votes

How to deal with comments and posts bashing Abrahamic religions?

Converting my comment to an answer: The religions of the Mlecchas enjoin mass-rape, genocide and massacre, as similarly done by Asuras and Rakshasas. Every religion has different opinions. Even ...
Mr_Green's user avatar
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3 votes

If all answers are only perspectives, why are some users trying to delete answers they don't like?

Two of my answers keep getting deleted by the same set of users. I am one of the users who deleted one of your posts twice. I first deleted and then undeleted it. Let me explain: There were a lot of ...
Mr_Green's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the purpose of the Moderation chat room? Why does it remain frozen?

The moderation chat room was initially created to facilitate discussions regarding moderation and moderators when we used to have lots of repeated meta posts on it. As known to you also from the very ...
Pandya's user avatar
  • 26.2k
3 votes

Can users who constantly engage in edit-wars with other users over tags be banned from the site?

The title and the body asks different questions. For the title: Yes, they can be banned. For the first point: If a user thinks the added tag is wrong, they can rollback the edit as said in the ...
Sarvabhouma's user avatar
2 votes

The Bias of the Moderators of this Site?

I am new to this site, hence I was not aware of the flagging the post concept! Welcome to Hinduism Stack Exchange! Go through help to know how Stack Exchange works. Read FAQ to learn more about this ...
Pandya's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the purpose of the Moderation chat room? Why does it remain frozen?

It has been frozen because of inactivity, since it wasn't used for 14 days. See e.g. Why do inactive chat rooms become "frozen"? on Meta Stack Exchange. ♦ moderators don't notice this,...
Glorfindel's user avatar
2 votes

Call out to Mods! Why no action from almost 3 years?

I am agreeing to this statement of OP It feels like the community is just playing around here with no conclusion whatsoever. If this continues, people will leave this site as many of them are ...
Srimannarayana K V's user avatar
2 votes

How to deal with comments and posts bashing Abrahamic religions?

Makes me wonder if this site is still about Hinduism or has it turned into a Hindu website? While your concerns are substantial, your expectations are irrational. HSE might not be a Hindu site but ...
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ's user avatar
1 vote

Is it fair to flag and delete answers taking an extremely conservative position?

Yes, scriptures should not be used to demean particular caste or gender. Instead, scriptures should be interpreted properly. By observing the answer posts, it sounds that these answer posts are ...
Pandya's user avatar
  • 26.2k
1 vote

The Bias of the Moderators of this Site?

I agree to this issue. I have been observing the biased attitude of this particular and only active moderator. I am quoting 2 incidents, in which this particular moderator is involved. When the ...
Srimannarayana K V's user avatar

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