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13 votes

Which scriptures / sources are considered valid?

What scriptures are considered valid? All Hindu scriptures are valid and authentic source. Works of Acharyas, Sayings of Saints, Swami and Gurus are also valid source to cite. What sources are ...
Pandya's user avatar
  • 26.2k
13 votes

Official policy for deleting answers that don't cite sources

Update-1: Extended Time length and Exclusion Criterion Update-2: Old unsourced answers are also subject to deletion now Update-3: Time criteria is no longer a barrier and post-notice will be used in ...
Pandya's user avatar
  • 26.2k
13 votes

Let's delete all old answers from early days of the site that lack any references at all

status-planned Please refer to Official policy for deleting answers that don't cite sources and to Why aren't unsourced answers getting deleted even though the policy says that they should be? for ...
Tezz's user avatar
  • 48.7k
12 votes

Can we have a suggestion for meta post "Guidelines for new users answering questions" at the answer popup?

Shog9's user avatar
  • 100
11 votes

Can we revisit the sources required rule?

Let me start off by noting that moderation and voting serve different purposes. Moderation should be used to ensure that posts meet basic standards of quality, and voting should be used to determine ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
11 votes

Which Sanskrit dictionaries are people on this site using?

There's a विकिशब्दकोशः (Wiktionary) compiled by many volunteers. It features Apte, Kalpadrumam, Vachaspatyam, Monier Williams etc.
Vineet Menon's user avatar
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10 votes

Who all are authority or qualified to post an authoritative opinion on religion, spirituality and Hindu Dharma?

In the absence of any scriptural reference, written works of scholars, researchers and popular personalities can be used which must be providing a relevant answer. This point was written in beginning ...
The Destroyer's user avatar
  • 31.5k
10 votes

Why aren't unsourced answers getting deleted even though the policy says that they should be?

There were couple of reasons behind not deleting unsourced answers: We were liberal, feeling that deleting of answers to be an extreme step. No perspicuous tool available to track answers to which ...
Pandya's user avatar
  • 26.2k
8 votes

Can we add a citation banner for answers that rely solely on Wikipedia?

Wikipedia is actually a tertiary source of information and are not meant to be used for research. Remember that Wikipedia cites most of its sources, so instead of using a link to Wikipedia, the author ...
Bhargav Rao's user avatar
  • 2,358
8 votes

Who all are authority or qualified to post an authoritative opinion on religion, spirituality and Hindu Dharma?

I have read only a few books/articles of modern authors on Hinduism. Hence, I do not know whether I am qualified to write an answer on this subject. Still, I am offering my opinion. I am ...
Srimannarayana K V's user avatar
8 votes

Why was this request to undelete the answer rejected by the mods?

@sv. Don't try to salvage this answer. Just because you add MN Dutta it doesn't make answer proper. Here problem is not who translated but "way answer was framed selecting some verses".. ...
The Destroyer's user avatar
  • 31.5k
7 votes

Which Sanskrit dictionaries are people on this site using?

I use, Andhrabharati Sanskrit Dictionary and Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary. I use for faster look up and go for andhrabharati if i don't get ...
The Destroyer's user avatar
  • 31.5k
7 votes

For any particular user, how to calculate the number of his/her answers that are accepted?

Yes. You can find them. Observe Advanced Search Tips at the right side while searching: In search box, type user:{your user id or someone whom you want to know} isaccepted:true .You can know ...
The Destroyer's user avatar
  • 31.5k
7 votes

Why is this short answer deleted though it is answering accurately?

Update: The answer has been revised/improved by others and now it's un-deleted. Reason for deletion The answer was of very low quality. The length of answer is not meeting the minimum length criteria ...
Pandya's user avatar
  • 26.2k
7 votes

How will the users know that a "citation required" banner has been added to one of their answers?

Users will get inbox message for "citation needed" post notice. So, there's no need to take any extra step to notify users.
The Destroyer's user avatar
  • 31.5k
7 votes

Changing the policy of deleting unsourced answers

Implement the proposed policy change Upvote this post if you agree with implementing the proposed policy as represented below: Note: Do not downvote this post if you disagree with this option, ...
Pandya's user avatar
  • 26.2k
6 votes

How to deal with an answer which is basically "a blog owner's opinion/interpretetion"?

Blogs which give Blog owner's interpretations shouldn't be allowed and answers which cite them as sources should be deleted. For example, if a blog has exact Vedic Verses or Puranic verses, we can ...
The Destroyer's user avatar
  • 31.5k
6 votes

Why was my this answer deleted?

I think your answer more focuses on the comment (rather than the actual question) that you've mentioned in the answer: Some deluded person said in comments "one who views Vishnu and Shiva as ...
Pandya's user avatar
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6 votes

Should we change at least one of our current moderators?

Talking about deletion of answer: The nature of your answer is quite different to that of question. Questioner is looking for whether one should buy or rent a house according to Scripture which can ...
Pandya's user avatar
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6 votes

How should we handle answers with partial scientific speculation and/or partial answers which are not from Hindu perspective?

Answering scientifically may deviate the whole objective of the site. The objective/goal of Hinduism Stackexchange is to provide authentic information about Hinduism and it's topic: Hinduism Stack ...
Pandya's user avatar
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6 votes

Are image-only answers acceptable?

Well, sometimes we find image only answers which answers the question and hence obviously we should not delete them as NAA (Not An Answer). These are mostly cases of posting image from a scanned book....
Pandya's user avatar
  • 26.2k
6 votes

why everyone is not answering if there is no bounty?

Users are not expecting you to offer a bounty. It is user's choice. They will answer when they find the answer to your question and when they want to write an answer. It is users' choice when to ...
Sarvabhouma's user avatar
6 votes

What are the rules to be followed for citation?

TL;DR: There are enough references in your answer. The OP might not have checked properly. They are unclear where you took it from. You just need to be clearer while adding them. A reference can be ...
Sarvabhouma's user avatar
6 votes

Is this kind of citation okay in answers?

First of all let's see the difference between citation and quotation: Citation means writing sentence in our words and mentioning the source e.g According to Lord Krishna (BG 4.37) Jnana nullifies ...
Pandya's user avatar
  • 26.2k
6 votes

Who all are authority or qualified to post an authoritative opinion on religion, spirituality and Hindu Dharma?

I agree as SrimannarayanaKV stated that it is an elusive statement. Though I used to agree that works of modern gurus shouldn't be considered for the gist of the same as explained by Srimannarayana ...
Mr_Green's user avatar
  • 11.6k
5 votes

Why was my this answer deleted?

This answer doesn't deserve deletion, at least the way it happened. Before deleting this answer, the "delete bulldozer" has to run over so many other answers, which are indeed bad. BTW, don't take ...
iammilind's user avatar
  • 19.8k
5 votes

Answer wrongly deleted - 5 [compromised]

Let me address your points one by one: There was no written policy, under which it can be deleted. Yes, there was: The Qn clearly asks "Why", ...
Keshav Srinivasan's user avatar
5 votes

For any particular user, how to calculate the number of his/her answers that are accepted?

Yes, there is a related data query on data.stackexchange. The query name is Users with highest accept rate of their answers. This gives the Link to your profile, Number of answers and number of ...
Sarvabhouma's user avatar
5 votes

How is this even an answer that my flag was rejected?

From this Meta SE answer: When should I use this (not an answer) flag? Use this flag when an answer is being used to: Ask a new question Clarify the existing question Communicate ...
Rickross's user avatar
  • 112k

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible