Questions tagged [code-of-conduct]

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3 votes
1 answer

Is it fine to use a derogatory word like Mleccha on this site?

Only some time back I got to know about the word "Mleccha" and Wikipedia offers the following definition: Mleccha (from Vedic Sanskrit mlecchá, meaning "non-Vedic", "...
Ankit Sharma's user avatar
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7 answers

Need to take down abysmal posts from the main site

I am not active on Hinduism much, but lately, a couple of my friends from here shared a few posts with me from here, which I feel are ridiculous to be even posted in public. Rather than answering such ...
Mr. Alien's user avatar
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-12 votes
2 answers

Is this site suffering from religious chauvinism?

A recent question on the MAINS gets 10 Upvotes. This is the question: Do all Non-Hindus remain as Pretas after death? Now, I want to ask, why should this site reconcile with any question related with ...
Vivikta's user avatar
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