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Questions tagged [asking-questions]

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23 votes
2 answers

Political and Scientific questions are off-topic for Hinduism SE

Recently, a user posted these questions: Why Hindu saints are targeted very badly in India? I have been living outside India for the last couple of years but I saw plenty of fake cases against Hindu ...
Mr. Alien's user avatar
  • 7,089
12 votes
5 answers

Is "What scriptures/XYZ say about ...<my off topic query>?", a freeway to convert a Qn to on-topic?

There are numerous Qn-s (including few of mine), which starts with, "What scriptures/some school/my favorite philosophy/acharyas/XYZ say about [some concept]?" Many a times these Qns are on-...
iammilind's user avatar
  • 19.9k
4 votes
2 answers

Are we correctly tagging "scripture" tag?

Recently, I have found out that scripture tag is not correctly used. According to the tag wiki excerpt of the scripture: For questions about the holy texts of Hinduism. Please also use a more ...
Sarvabhouma's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Can we have some quality questions now?

I would request users now to ask some sensible questions on the Hinduism site. Ain't sure why but some users do debate with me when I say that these types of questions should be marked off-topic. Let ...
Mr. Alien's user avatar
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8 votes
0 answers

How to answer questions about the status of divine weapons?

How do we answer questions such as: What happened to the Vijaya bow after Karna's death? What did the Pandavas do with the oldest sword in the world? What happened to the Akshaya Patra after the ...
Say No To Censorship's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Are unanswered questions affecting the site's graduation?

Despite substantial activity, the site is still in "beta". There are many unanswered Qn floating around. Most of them are either too off-beat for general taste or simply unanswerable due to blog ...
iammilind's user avatar
  • 19.9k
3 votes
2 answers

Why was my question closed? What exactly is an "opinion-based" question on Hinduism.SE?

My question How to introduce Hinduism to Children? was closed as "primarily opinion-based." The SE standard explanation is: Many good questions generate some degree of opinion based on expert ...
skv's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

I want to ask a question on home buying vs. renting - how should I frame a valid question?

If I ask a question: "According to Hindu scriptures, is buying a home better than renting one? What are some arguments for or against buying a home (vs. renting it) considering that our life on earth ...
Say No To Censorship's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Do meta questions have a quality standard?

A few weeks back, there was a question posted on meta Why is it marked as duplicate? From the title, it asks why the question is marked as a duplicate of another question. But when we look into the ...
Sarvabhouma's user avatar