In recent times i found that one user is basically copy pasting posts from arbitrary/unknown blogs as answers.Many of his answers are like that with this being a typical example.
How to deal with them(such answers)?
I don't think we should allow this to continue.What do the rules say on this matter?
For Instance this is a popular mantra:
Om namo bhagavate vAsudevAya shAntAkAram bhujaga shayanam padmanAbham suresham | vishwAdhAram gagana sadRsham meghavarNam shubhAngam ||
The Devata of this Mantra is Vishnu and it is well known that this Mantra is for Vishnu.
Now, let's suppose I created a xyz blog and explained this in this way:
The Devata of this mantra is Vishnu and it is one of the name of Shiva of Shiva Sahasranama. So, this Mantra is showing Vishnutwo of Sriman Mahadeva (Lord Shiva).
Om Namo= Om represents Pranava who is Sriman Mahadeva himself and Namo here represents Lord is to be saluted. It is also seen in Namakam that Lord is to be saluted.
Bhagavate= Lord Shiva is Bhagvan as proclaimed in many scriptures, Moreover Vedas only address Sriman Mahadeva as Bhagvan for eg. See Atharvasiras, Svetasvatara etc...
Vãsudevãya= Vasudeva means who resides in everything. It is Lord Shiva who resides in everything through his AshtaMurty form. This is well described in Shatapatha and Kaushikti Brahmanas of Vedas.
Shãntãkãram= who is peaceful. This denotes the very nature of Lord SadaShiva.
Bhujagasayanam= It is Sriman Mahadeva who resides in serpent as Amsha in the form of Vishnu.
Padmanãbham= This denotes presence of Sriman Mahadeva in Padmanabha temple.
Suresham = Sriman Mahadeva is the God of God (Devadeva) it is well known.
Vishwãdharam = Sriman Mahadeva in the form of Linga is the base of this world
Gaganasadrishm= need not to be explained whose name is Digambara and Vyomakesha
Meghavarnam= It represents Nila Lohita form of Shiva. We see both blue and red coloured cloud.
Subhangam= Sriman Mahadeva has all bodily organ nice. It is also explained in Rudra Suktas of RigVeda and also in Taittariya Aranyakas Mantras like 'Namo hiranyabahave hiranyavarnaya ...'
Lakshmikantam= It is well known that MahaLakshmi is well known Shakti of Shiva denoting Rajas The other Shaktis beibg Mahakali and Mahasaraswati. One can check Varaha Purana and Shiva Purana for this.
Kamalanayanam= Sriman Mahadeva has nice eyes like that of lotus
Yogividdhyranagamyam = It is Shiva who is meditated by Yogi.
Vande Vishnum= I salute the all pervasive one
BhavaBhayaHaram: Oh Bhava (Shiva) destroy our Bhaya.
SarvaLokaikaNãtham= who is Lord of all worlds.
Thus it is proved that 'Om Namo Bhagvate Vãsudevaya ... ' mantra is for Shiva and not for Vishnu.
Now from that same blog I copied that content and pasted here and answered questions. Is this accepted in this Site?