I was going through our tags and I found some inconsistency and non-standardization and might need cleaning up. Few already raised and fix by individual meta posts, and I did few by my own-self, which were quite obvious ones but I think we all can contribute to this tag standardization together.
Any tags that you feel need cleaning up over the main site or meta - post them as an answer, as they get voted up and down they can be cleaned up.
Users with more than 1250 reputation (on beta sites) and a total answer score of 5 or more on the tag, can suggest tag synonyms. Users with a total answer score (total upvotes minus total downvotes) of 5 or more on the tag, can vote for tag synonyms. Suggestions will be automatically approved when they reach a score of 4, and automatically deleted when they reach a score of -2.
If you are confident about synonyms, you can suggest directly and get approval (given you have required score in that particular tag). If you are not so sure, you can suggest in answer and this can be decided by votes.
Up vote = "I agree this tag need cleaning"
Down vote = "I disagree this tag needs cleaning"
No vote = What? No! Voting for the future, make your voice be heard!
I am presenting few from my opinion too and feel free to share your opinions as an answer but only one tag issue per answer. Positive scorer/valid ones will be implemented ASAP.
To better understand the tag synonym and tag merging, refer:
What are tag synonyms and merged tags? How do they work?
Inspired by and mostly copied by similar movies stack exchange meta post
Note: You can try sorting answers by the active tab to see the more recent suggestions.