I think this is a tricky issue. Let me preface this by saying that we shouldn't lose track of the purpose of the site. Yes, we spend a lot of time on this site discussing the details of various stories and quotations from sacred texts, and I certainly participate in that, geeking out with obscure questions about the scars on Ravana's shoulders. But we should never forget that this is fundamentally a site about a religion. And the Hindu religion is something that over a billion people turn to in order to help them with personal issues.
But having said all that, let me be clear that this site is not the appropriate venue for giving personal advice. Helping people with personal issues, whether they're of a spirtual or emotional nature, is simply outside the scope of the site. But I don't think we should simply turn this user away empty-handed either.
I think we should handle things the way suggested in this answer on Christianity.SE Meta, which had a similar issue of whether to allow "pastoral advice" questions:
The most important thing is that we resist the temptation of providing an answer. I know that Christians are supposed to love others, and questions like this will undoubtedly tug at the heart-strings, but answering questions like this will always be a disservice to the questioner.
Why? The analogy of a medical diagnosis is a good one. Would any of us make a clinical diagnosis on the basis of a post on the internet? I don't think so. And neither should we make a spiritual one. We simply don't know the people involved, their motivations, their support network, their beliefs, their hurts... By answering requests for pastoral input we are more likely to do harm than good.
What we can do is the following:
Add a note in the FAQ that clearly states that this is a Q&A web site, not a church, and that this means that requests for pastoral input are off-topic.
Immediately close questions like this as off topic. Explain why the question has been closed.
Immediately delete answers that actually give personal advice.
Signpost the questioner to other agencies: their local minister, doctor, Citizens Advice service or whatever appears appropriate. Add a note that explains that we're offering suggestions, but they are no more than that. The questioner must take responsibility for their own actions.
Make it clear that we'd love to help directly, and explain why we can't.
I put the second-to-last bullet point in bold because I think it's relevant to the question the OP asked. In this case the OP isn't asking us to solve his personal issues for him, he's just trying to find a temple he can stay in. I think a simple, sufficiently general answer would be perfectly fine, something like "Advice on personal issues is off-topic on this site, but if you're looking for a temple to stay in, here is a link to a directory of Hindu temples and religious sites. You can contact those temples directly for questions about lodging."
One last thing: I think the answer that's been posted to the OP's question is exactly what we should NOT allow. It gives explicit personal advice, which should definitely be off-topic in this site. Following the suggestion from the Christianity Meta quote, I think we might want to delete that answer.