I have seen few users asking more than one questions in one question.
In those cases is it allowed to answer such questions partially?
To be more clear:
Suppose the question has three questions.
Can i answer one or two among them?
Or will i have to answer all the three questions to make a valid answer?
Let me post some examples to make my point clear.
Question 1-This question has one sub question viz:Where can i find complete translations of all Puranas?
Question 2-Here in one question the asker asks two distinct questions.
1)What is the story of Paurnamashi?
2)What is the story of Nandimukhi?
It can be that one knows the answer to one of them but not the other.
Question 3-This question has many questions under one heading but neither it is considered as broad nor it is closed.
That is exactly the reason why i asked the present question.