How do you plan to deal with users who use labels such as 'anti-scriptural', 'anti-Hindu', 'Marxist', 'Leftist', 'Asura', 'Abrahamic', etc. to target those that don't conform to their views?
Also, despite several clarifications by ex-CM's, some users continue to believe this is a 'pro-Hindu site' as opposed to a 'site about Hinduism'. Some of these users have appointed themselves as flag-bearers of Hinduism on the site and want to censor views they don't agree with even when those views are backed with sources and citations. While these users are free to believe that every single word written in Hindu scriptures is literally true and express their views in answers, they don't stop at that, they want others to "fall in line". They are busy policing OP and other users in comments, giving unsolicited advice on whether one can chant mantras or not, whether one can read the Vedas or not, etc. They don't believe in live and let live.
How do you plan to deal with users who try to force their views and opinions on others?